Aye, our healthcare sux, but still beats Murica healthcare by far... oh wait it doesn't exist, my bad.
Glad you are back on track. Does Alberta have some sort of coverage for med? In Ontario there's a thing called Trillium (OTB) and it mostly gives you fund for drug cost every 3 months or so. Jeez I kept forgetting how spoiled I am living in ON.
You mentioned production job? Are you unionized? Work benefits usually cover med, dental and eye care. My current job does. Check with your co-worker or supervisor on this.
I'm glad to hear you found a stable job with benefits! I'm surprised to learn that anti-depressants can be so costly in Canada - the Canadian healthcare system is occasionally praised in the U.S. so I thought you had that covered at least.
I can't afford antidepressants or a doctor who can prescribe them. There is a long wait for the free options, and since I'm depressed, I didn't bother pursuing it. I'll just wait until I get a job with benefits.
I hope you can get out of your financial situation soon.
Your song is solid considering you couldn't spend much time on it. I enjoyed it a lot. Personally, I would like to hear more cinematic music, but but hybrids are always interesting to listen to!
The Canadian Healthcare System covers what the government considers "basic needs" such as doctor appointments, hospitals, and other emergency situations. Pharmaceutical drugs however are either paid out-of-pocket or through insurance/employment benefits.
I'm sorry to hear that you're depressed. I can definitely relate to that struggle. If you ever want to talk about it let me know.