Ready for some rad D&D and Video Game inspired music? Looks like you've aced your search. My mantra has always been music.
PM me for collabs and more stupid puns.

Aaron @AceMantra

Age 34


Digital Media and Cinema

Edmonton, Canada

Joined on 4/8/05

Exp Points:
3,718 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.07 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
8y 1m 2d

AceMantra's News

Posted by AceMantra - December 21st, 2023

So it's been a wild year for me, and as a result I haven't been able to finish as much music this time around the sun. But not all is lost! I've been doing well, with a few exceptions.

I made a Christmas song last year 3 days before Christmas. Maybe I'll release another one with less autotune next time. Stay tuned! 😉

I had some health issues related to my brain or medication. The root of the cause is unknown, but trust me, it was difficult to function.

I participated in the Art Inspired Music Contest (AIM) 2023. Check out the song I made and the art that inspired it here.

I'm currently participating in the Newgrounds Boss Showdown. Go check out the competition here. I haven't finished my track yet, but keep an eye out for it. It's gonna be good. 🔥 Link to showdown



Posted by AceMantra - January 16th, 2023

So I asked my friends on Discord to give me some song ideas and I'd cram as many of them into one song as possible. The prompts were as follows:

"Death Metal with an impossible guitar solo"
"Add a kazoo"
"A bridge where all the instruments go silent except for a Theremin and a Cowbell"
"A Hurdy Gurdy with Nordic throat singing"

Aaand this was the result:

My friends were purposefully trying to give me bad ideas, but I actually had a lot of fun making it. I don't normally make a genre like this, but it got me thinking. What if I ask you, dear users: What should I put in my next song?

You can state a genre, an instrument, or something "in the style of." Post your ideas in the comments and I will try my best to incorporate as many as possible.



Posted by AceMantra - October 12th, 2021

Dungeons & Dragons and the Power of Music

Playing music during D&D isn't everyone's cup of ale, but I find it to be a useful and powerful tool for Dungeon Masters to use. Music carries emotion well, and helps enhance the role-playing experience when the appropriate music is played.

New Album Released

I've been making music inspired by Dungeons & Dragons for some time now and never really thought much about it. Someone in the group would make a character, and I would compose a personalized theme for the DM to play when the player did something awesome. Now, I've collected, remastered, and released some of them onto and album so I can share it with all you beautiful people! Give it a listen, and consider purchasing it if you like it.

Follow me here on Newgrounds, Bandcamp, or Spotify for more music like this! Next I plan to make albums for specific themes like travelling, combat, etc.

Have a memorable D&D story you want to share? Leave it in the comments below. It can be funny, epic, anything. I'd like to hear from you. Who knows, maybe your character or story will inspire a new song!



Posted by AceMantra - June 2nd, 2021

I'm bored, and I need inspiration.

First few people to post their art in the comments gets music made for it.

I may do more than a few, so keep them coming.

1 submission per person, please. NSFW content will not be considered.



Posted by AceMantra - December 13th, 2020

Looks like baby's first Christmas will be an unhappy one. Have no money for gifts, or anything, really. I don't feel like a very good person right now.

Debts are still there, always there. Working hours have been cut; the pandemic has made it worse than usual.

Depression is still ongoing, as depression often is. I've been having suicidal thoughts again, so I talked to my doctor. My medication has been adjusted, but of course, that means more money I have to pay for pills. Everything is a tradeoff it seems.

I guess it isn't all bad. I have enough to feed and take care of my baby's needs for now. I worry about the months to come though.


Posted by AceMantra - March 24th, 2020

New Song Out Now!

It's been some time since my last update, and a lot has been going on, so let's get to the rundown.

First of all, the song. Fallen and Forgotten was made as sort of a continuation of one of my previous works. Sort of like another episode. The two contrasting songs show inspiration, glory, heartbreak, and sorrow. I have decided that I will make more to continue the story and hopefully paint a picture in the listeners' head.

My Life In Quarantine

It hasn't been long since my boss advised me to stay home for two weeks because of a cough. As of me writing this, it has been six days. Honestly, my life hasn't changed all that much; I don't leave the house much anyway except to go to work. The only thing that has changed is that I have more time to make music now... and I have a lower source of income for a little while. But I'm in good spirits otherwise.

I wonder what other creatives are up to while stuck at home. A few of my friends and I were discussing a possible music project, where everyone who wants to participate can make a song based on the theme of "isolation" or "quarantine." I think it would be a fun thing for the community to do to pass the time. What do you think?

How is everyone? Staying safe I hope.


Posted by AceMantra - December 25th, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! My family and I put together a song; I thought I would share it with you guys this Christmas. Here it is!


Posted by AceMantra - October 17th, 2019

I don't know if I need a change in medication, or more counseling, but this depression won't budge. I'm deeply sad, I'm not performing well at work, and I'm having difficulty finding motivation. I'm not enjoying the things I used to, and as a result I find myself doing a lot of sleeping.

I'm sorry I haven't submitted any music lately.


Posted by AceMantra - August 18th, 2019

So it's been a while since I've written an update; almost a year, actually. There's a lot to cover so let's get started.

Life Update

First of all, I've picked up a job in a production facility. I started by pushing, pulling and lifting metal around, and eventually worked my way up to welding. It's very intense and fast physical work, but I'm keeping up... barely. To stack on the good news, my benefits have finally kicked in so I don't have to pay nearly as much for my anti-depressants anymore.

Now for some bad news. While I may have coverage for my medication now, the financial damage from my prescriptions have left me in a crippling amount of debt. So much so that I can't remember the last time I didn't have a negative number in my bank account. Additionally, I've recently ran into some car trouble, and the $360.00 repair bill hit me really hard. But enough about boring financial stuff.

Music Update

Unfortunately my new job has left me with very little energy to work on music. I have made a lot of WIPs, but not very many finished songs. I am participating in the Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch again this year. I joined to get back into a composing habit, instead of just collapsing into bed right after work. Here's a link to my first round submission:

Honestly, I was surprised by the amount of positive comments and feedback I received from this song. I had so many ideas that never made it into the final song due to time constraints. I thought no one was going to like it; I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself.

So what's coming next? Well, I have a lot of projects on the go. This includes a song for an audio drama, a fantasy themed album, and a variety of other commitments. I really want to make a track that combines Synthwave and Cinematic, but we'll have to see. What do you think? More Cinematic, more Synthwave, or something else entirely? Let me know.



Posted by AceMantra - August 25th, 2018

It's been an interesting few days, and by interesting I mean devastating and emotionally draining. It's been a long time coming, as this job has been mentally taxing on me.

It all started last Tuesday as I arrived at work. The first couple of hours went along as normal; my manager and I had our usual talk about all the nerdy things. Then the Area Manager, we'll call her Liz, showed up as my co-worker, let's call her Susie, arrived. At first I didn't think much of it, until Liz asked to talk to my manager privately. After a few minutes of confusion, Liz called Susie to the back room. It wasn't until I saw Susie leaving the back room in tears that I knew what happened. She was fired for laying hands on a thief a few weeks prior.

For those of you who don't know, the store has a incredibly high theft rate, as well as many cases of people armed with machetes and knives trying to rob us. Upper management has yet to do anything about the dangerous environment we work in despite our numerous reports.

Anyway, immediately after Susie was fired, my manager handed his keys to Liz and resigned on the spot. His reasoning was that he was sick and tired of upper management regarding it as, "just theft" and to "not take it personally." It's not just theft, it's a very dangerous work environment that upper management refuses to do anything about.

Later during my shift, the Assistant Manager stopped by to hand in his keys as well after he heard what happened. For the next few hours, I was the only one employed in the store. Just as I thought matters couldn't get any worse, 10 people entered the store and stole dozens of bottles of liquor. It was at that point where I lost it. Once they left, I locked the doors, put the money in the safe and left an hour and a half before closing time. I didnt' sleep that night.

I saw my psychologist the following morning, and I told her what happened. She advised me to stop working immediately as it was causing severe damage to my mental health. After my appointment, Liz called me asking if I was coming into work. Coldly, I told her I was coming to the store, not to work, but to hand in my keys and uniform. So I did just that.

Now what? Well, I've been finding it harder and harder to get up in the morning. Not since I quit; it's been going on since I started that job. Now I have to worry about affording medication, food, and rent. But also... I've fallen into some deep darkness, and I'm not sure if I can get out on my own. After all the mental anguish of having weapons pulled on me, and all the thefts that happened daily, I can't help but fixate on the fear, dread, and suicidal thoughts.


TL;DR, Everyone quit the store, including myself. Now I have to find a job.