I'm scared.
I'm scared.
i forgot to warn u 😭
I love this track to pieces! Great job, friend! 👏
Thank you, Ace. I'm glad to hear. 🙏
Tfw you've been skipahdahba doo dap dup dup bibdybop-ing since 2020, but you forget to write something until now. This changed my bap bap bap skiipahdahba dup on life. It's been one of the songs I keep coming back to.
It's okay, I still skabeeparate you
Instant Favorite! Wonderful job from you guys!
Awesome composition and progression! I like the guitar and the subtle piano effects. I think the guitar and the flute could have benefited from a little more reverb. Given the scene in the art piece shows wide open spaces as well as isolation, I think a distant-sounding reverb would reflect this perfectly.
Like I said before though, very solid composition. It really gives a sad and bleak feeling. You've earned yourself a follow.
I like the part that goes DOOOWAAAUUP WWAAOOU.
Thanks Ace, you always know exactly what to WWAAOOU <3
Love it. I really like how well it picks up at the 1:00 mark. Also great use of lead guitar, and the track loops very well.
Yet still the best of my guitar playing is still to be learned, muhehe :D
Glad you enjoy.
Can I give you more than 100%?
I don't think my body can handle more than 100%
This song tastes good to my ears. Great job!
I straight-faced this whole song, but my soul was screaming "YEAH"
Ready for some rad D&D and Video Game inspired music? Looks like you've aced your search. My mantra has always been music.
PM me for collabs and more stupid puns.
Age 34
Digital Media and Cinema
Edmonton, Canada
Joined on 4/8/05