Beautiful and well made as always. It really does release a calm feeling.
Beautiful and well made as always. It really does release a calm feeling.
Very good to hear! Thank you!
I love this piece! It definitely sparks hope and inspiration in me. You were certainly successful in conveying emotion in the music, and that in my opinion is the best part of being a musician.
5/5 gold star 100% forever! :)
Thank you so much! I was a bit nervous about this piece, but I am very happy to see that it came out well. I appreciate everything you do here in our community on Newgrounds, and I look forward to seeing your music take off and soar! You have great talent already and you will overcome the obstacles!
This is crazy awesome! Good job!
Thank you kindly! I hope I can keep up this level of recording after I get my shoulder surgery...should make the competition a bit more interesting, methinks!
How is this only a 4 star rating? This is awesome! I really like the percussion you have going there. This piece has so much potential. My only critique is that the bass could maybe use a little boost. Not a lot, just a little. Maybe try some Col Legno mixed with the bass spiccato to add to some impact to your hits. It might not work, but it's something to try.
Thank you! Maybe it's because I listen to more classical music, but I've always been hesitant to boost the bass too much haha. I think this kind of music definitely calls for it though! I'm starting to get more into writing this kind of 'commercial' music (versus modern music written for a concert hall) and also learning how to properly mix it to sound like more modern Hollywood/trailer/film music. I'm not too worried about the composition side of things, but critiques like this help me to get my mixes to sound cleaner as I move forward, so thank you again!
Even with one recovering ear I can tell this is a good piece. Very emotional. I like the runs you have starting at 1:09. You are also very good with loops; I must have listened to this a dozen times without realizing it.
I'm glad you were there for your coworker. There are never enough good people in the world comforting those who need it.
Thank you for your review.
I hope your ear will recover. take care and stay safe! :(
Very peaceful, very emotional. It leaves me wanting more, like a goodbye that came too soon. Awesome work.
Awesome writing! I like how it almost tells a story with varied emotional parts. It is definitely bittersweet at parts, but also has joyful moments like 1:27. Then a brief moment of uncertainty around 1:53 before resolving itself at 2:08.
As for your transitions, I think they fit quite well. Also keep in mind that no song is perfect, so don't beat yourself up over it. Your talent and hard work shows. :)
You're spot on with that first bit- this piece quite literally tells an actual story. I actually rushed through this song a little bit because it was a little emotional and I wanted to see what ending would be most fitting. Glad you liked this composition, thanks for reviewing!
I'm uploading a new piece soon that uses the main musical theme of this piece, so make sure to check it out as well!
Oooohhh it's so chill! Me likes. It has a nostalgic feel to it.
After a number of listens (I lost count XD) somehow it still holds my interest. The song adds some interesting contrast to the art. Where the art has a more depressing tone, the song kind of brings a sense of bittersweet denouement. It really puts the listener in the art subject's shoes. Watching one's memories flash and scatter like the sun rays above them.
thanks man! haha i'll be honest i was nervous about getting reviews on this one, this piece is kind of special to me and i was scared no one else would like it lol. its like sharing part of your soul!!!
anyways im glad you liked it! and got the sense of what i was talking about!
Absolutely stunning! I really like the buildup to 0:50; it's a great setup for what's to come. The break at 1:33 is also a nice touch. The whole thing really leaves a feeling inspiration for me, especially around 2:24. Coupled with the art it really tells a story. Awesome work.
Thanks! :D I've been trying to get better at writing 'film-esque' music (which is the kind of stuff I post here on Newgrounds). I'm highly interested in going into that field. I think I'm starting to finally get somewhere with it.
Ready for some rad D&D and Video Game inspired music? Looks like you've aced your search. My mantra has always been music.
PM me for collabs and more stupid puns.
Age 34
Digital Media and Cinema
Edmonton, Canada
Joined on 4/8/05